Pomen presnove NAD v belem maščobnem tkivu
01. januarja

Pomen presnove NAD v belem maščobnem tkivu

1. Uvod

Nikotinamid adenin dinukleotid (NAD) razdeljeni v adipocitih lahko modulira adipocyte differentiation in gene expression, in addition to controlling glucose metabolism. White adipose tissue (WAT), one major adipose tissue, may be one of the direct target for NAD Dopolnitev.

2. O podjetju WAT

In contrast to brown adipose tissue (BAT), WAT contains a single lipid droplet in few mitochondria. WAT, once thought to be morphologically in functionally unremarkable, is in fact highly dynamic, with plasticity in heterogeneity, which is widely distributed in the subcutaneous tissues in around the internal organs. WAT plays a key role in a range of biological processes, such as maintenance of energetic homeostasis, processing in hinling of glycans in lipids, blood pressure control, in host defence, with tight relationship with metabolic disorders such as diabetes.

3. Tkivno specifične vloge NAD

NMN is synthesized from NAM in NR by NAMPT in NRK, respectively. The synthesized NAD+ from NMN is used as a SIRT1 substrate, which leads to the recycling of NAD+ via the salvage pathway. In this process, NAD+ can exert different effects depending on the tissue. Remarkably, NAD precursors can control metabolic stress particularly via focusing on adipose tissue.

4. TUčinki povečanja NAD + na WAT

Supplementation of NMN in NR has been shown to reduce body weight in enhance insulin sensitivity in regular chow-fed aged wild-type mice in diet-induced obese mice, respectively. NAM supplementation diminishes fat accumulation in diet-induced obese mice. Additionally, both NMN in NR supplementation prevent inflammation even with different treatment duration. NAM administration boosts mitochondrial biogenesis in glutathione synthesis in WAT. Similarly, it is evidenced that NMN treatment in high fat diet-induced type 2 diabetes mouse model facilitates the recovery of Glutathione S-transferase Alpha 2 (Gsta2) gene expression in the liver.

5. Tmaščobno specifični učinki nikotinamid fosforiboziltransferaza (NAMPT)

NAMPT, one NAD regulator in WAT, is a promising therapeutic target for the treatment of metabolic disorders. NAMPT plays a potential role in maintaining adipose tissue homoeostasis, as evidenced by the explicitly blocked adipocyte differentiation in lipid synthesis in vitro po zdravljenju z zaviralcem NAMPT FK866.

Zaradi nekaterih razlogov, kot so razlike v spolu, starosti in / ali bazalnih ravneh razpoložljivosti celične NAD +, obstajajo različni neprepričljivi rezultati glede vplivov presnove NAD + na adipocite v adipocitno specifičnem modelu miši s pomanjkanjem NAMPT ali in vitro cell models. Further investigation on the effects of NAD+ supplementation in the distinct functions of NAMPT in adipocytes is still needed.

6. Zaključek

Pomen NAD metabolism in WAT je bil poudarjen. NAD has tissue-specific roles. Posebej WAT je lahko eden od neposrednih ciljev za dopolnjevanje NAD. Dopolnjevanje s predhodnimi sestavinami NAD + lahko zmanjša kopičenje maščob in vnetje v maščobnem tkivu. 


Kwon SY, Park YJ. Funkcija presnove NAD v belem maščobnem tkivu: lekcije iz mišjih modelov. Adipocit. 2024; 13(1):2313297. doi:10.1080/21623945.2024.2313297

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BONTAC se od leta 2012 posveča raziskavam in razvoju, proizvodnji in prodaji surovin za koencime in naravne izdelke, z lastnimi tovarnami, več kot 170 globalnimi patenti in močno ekipo za raziskave in razvoj, ki jo sestavljajo zdravniki in mojstri. BONTAC ima bogate izkušnje na področju raziskav in razvoja ter napredno tehnologijo na področju biosinteze NAD in njegovi predhodniki (npr. NMN in NR), pri čemer je treba izbrati različne oblike (npr. NAD stopnje IVD brez endoksina, NAD brez Na ali NAD, ki vsebuje Na; NR-CL ali NR-Malate). Visoko kakovost in stabilno oskrbo z izdelki je tu mogoče bolje zagotoviti z ekskluzivno tehnologijo čiščenja v sedmih korakih Bonpure in celoencimsko metodo Bonzyme.


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